Privacy Policy




1.1 BonCulina.co.uk is run by Romy Foods UK Ltd (“BonCulina”) which holds the license and the right to market the BonCulina® brand on the UK market. BonCulina respects and protects your privacy. We want you to feel safe when we process your personal data. With this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) we want to show how we ensure that your personal data is handled in accordance with applicable law.

1.2 In order to provide our products and services to you as a user, we must use personal information about you. This Privacy Policy applies as you shop with us.


2.1 BonCulina is responsible for the use of your personal data and is responsible for its use in accordance with applicable law. You will find contact information for us at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.


3.1 We at BonCulina use your personal information in order to best provide you with the products and services we offer. We therefore use your personal information for the following purposes:

To be able to deliver goods and services in accordance with our agreements with you

To handle and quality assure customer service matters

To be able to provide customized information, benefits and offers and provide a personalized experience of our service

To provide information about and market our products

To be able to implement and manage participation in competitions and events

To develop our services and systems and to carry out evaluations of our business model

To prevent misuse of our services, or to prevent, deter and investigate crimes

To fulfill legal obligations (e.g. regarding requirements in the Accounting Act, product liability and product security and protection of personal data in IT systems)

In the tables below you get more information about e.g. why we use your personal information, what personal information we store to achieve those purposes and how long we store your personal information.


BonCulina processes personal data for the following purposes:

4.1 To be able to deliver goods and services in accordance with our agreements with you

Personal information:

User information and preferences

Benefits and credits

Contact information

Order and payment information

Other delivery information (e.g. instructions to our outside sellers)

What we do: We use your information to be able to handle your orders and deliver our products and services to you as smoothly as possible.

Legal basis: We process your information in order to fulfill our agreement with you.

Storage period: The information is stored throughout the contractual relationship and up to 12 months from the termination of the contract. Order documents are saved for six years according to British law.

Your rights: See section 10 to read more about your rights.

4.2 To handle and quality assure customer service matters

Personal information:

User information and preferences

Benefits and credits

Contact information

Order and payment information including order history

Messages and calls between customer and customer service

Case history

What we do: We use your information to provide the best possible customer service experience. We save completed customer service matters with relevant information for a period of time in order to be able to carry out quality work.

Legal basis: We process your personal data on the basis of a balance of interests.

Storage period: The information is stored throughout the contractual relationship and up to 12 months from the termination or termination of the contract.

Your rights: You have the right to object to such use of your personal data as we do on the basis of a balance of interests. See section 10 to read more about your rights.

4.3 To be able to provide customized information, benefits and offers and provide a personalized experience of our service

Personal information:

User information and preferences

Contact information

Order and payment information including order history

Information about how you use our services, e.g. website visit history, IP numbers and browser settings

Demographic data

Previous contact history

What we do: To offer you the best customer experience possible, we use your personal information to be able to provide information by post, e-mail, text message and / or push notifications and to adapt your experience on our website.

Legal basis: Our treatment is necessary to be able to offer the best offer to you. To do so, we carry out analyzes of the information you have provided us with and such information that has been generated through your use of our service (e.g. visit and purchase history).

Storage time: For those of you who are with us: The information is saved and used throughout the contractual relationship and up to 12 months after

Your rights: You always have the right to demand that we stop using your personal information for direct marketing. See section 10 for more information on your rights.

4.4 To provide information about and market our products and services

Personal information:

User information and preferences

Contact information

Order and payment information including order history

Previous contact history

What we do: We use your personal information to be able to send you marketing, including custom direct mail and to customize the content of our website.

Legal basis: For general and segmented marketing, information and offers, we base our processing on a balance of interests as we assess that our interest outweighs your interest in the protection of your personal data (for marketing via mail, telephone and social media – and for marketing via e- mail, SMS and other automatic systems if the requirements of the Marketing Act are met).

For marketing of third party products and services via e-mail, SMS and other automatic systems, we base our processing on consent.

Storage time: For you who are a registered customer to us: The information is saved and used throughout the contractual relationship and up to 3 months after the end of the contractual relationship. We have the right to retain your information for the purpose of sending marketing to you for 3 months from the time we received your contact information.

For those of you who have given your consent to us: We have the right to retain your information for the purpose of sending marketing to you until the day you choose to deregister from our register.

Your rights: You always have the right to demand that we stop using your personal information for direct marketing. You also always have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when we need your consent to use your personal data. See section 10 for more information on your rights.

4.5 To be able to implement and manage participation in competitions and events

Personal information:

User information and preferences

Contact information

Information provided in competition entries

Information provided in evaluations of events and competitions

What we do: We use your personal information to be able to implement and manage participation in competitions and events. The competitions and events are usually advertised on our website or in social media.

Legal basis: We base our treatment on a legitimate interest in carrying out this type of activity.

Storage time: We store the information for six months after the event.

Your rights: You always have the right to demand that we stop using your personal information for direct marketing. You have the right to object to such use of your personal data as we do on the basis of a balance of interests. See section 10 for more information on your rights.

4.6 To develop our services and systems and to carry out evaluations of our business model

Personal information:

User information and preferences

Contact information

Information about how you use our services, e.g. website visit history, IP numbers and browser settings

Order and payment information including order history

Previous contact history

What we do: We use your personal data within the framework of our market and customer analyzes, which include information about your use of our services and products, statistics, data from completed market segmentations and customer satisfaction evaluations. We then use the results of our analysis as a basis for improving, replacing or developing new services, processes or working methods in order to meet your and other members’ expectations and wishes. For example, we may want to use personal information to improve our customer service, offer new package solutions or adapt our website and / or app to your and other members’ wishes. However, we want to be clear that we always try to anonymize or pseudonymise your personal data as much as possible to achieve this purpose.

We may share information about you in connection with analyzes of our business model by third parties. Information is only shared with third parties in strictly regulated forms and for a limited time. In addition, the treatment takes place only at an aggregate level as far as possible.

Legal basis: Balance of interests, as we assess that our interest in analyzing the use of our products and services for the purpose of improving, replacing or developing new services, products or business models outweighs your interest in the protection of your personal data.

Storage time:

For you who are a registered customer to us: The information is saved and used throughout the contractual relationship and up to 3 months after the end of the contractual relationship. We have the right to retain your information for the purpose of sending marketing to you for 3 months from the time we received your contact information. Order documents are saved for six years according to British law.

For those of you who have given your consent to us: We have the right to retain your information for the purpose of sending marketing to you until the day you choose to deregister from our register.

Your rights: You have the right to object to us using your personal data when we rely on a balance of interests. If you object to such use, we will only continue to use the personal data if there are important reasons for it that outweigh your interests. See further in section 9 about your rights.

4.8 To prevent misuse of our services, or to prevent, deter and investigate crimes

Personal information:

All personal information

What we do: Within the framework of our service, we work to prevent misuse of our services. We therefore process information about you and your use of our services in order to be able to identify fraud, over-utilization of discounts and promotions and similar misuse of our services.

Legal reason:

We base our treatment on a balance of interests, which we believe our interest in preventing abuse outweighs your interest in the treatment not taking place.

Shelf life: If you are a member: the information is stored throughout the contractual relationship and up to 12 months from the termination or termination of the contract. However, all information is saved for at least two years. Other visitors: The information is saved for two years.

Your rights: You have the right to object to such use of your personal data as we do on the basis of a balance of interests. See section 10 to read more about your rights.

4.9 To fulfill legal obligations (eg regarding requirements in the Accounting Act, product liability and product security and protection of personal data in IT systems)

Personal information:

User information and preferences

Contact information

Information about how you use our services, e.g. website visit history, IP numbers and browser settings

Order and payment information including order history

Previous contact history

What we do: We process your personal data to fulfill our legal obligations, in accordance with the requirements of laws, judgments or government decisions. Such requirements may, for example, refer to requirements regarding product liability and product safety, such as the development of communication and information to the public and members about product alarms and product recalls, e.g. in the event of a defective or hazardous product or to the extent required by the Accounting Act and can be attributed to an individual.

Legal basis: Our legal obligations.

Storage time:

We store your personal data only for as long as is necessary to fulfill the respective legal obligation.

Your rights: See further in section 10 about your rights.


5.1 The personal information we use about you comes from various sources. Information is either from you or generated during the use of our services.

5.2 In order to enter into an agreement with us at BonCulina and in order for us to be able to provide you with our products and services, it is a requirement that you provide us with certain personal information. If you do not provide the information we need to run our business, we can unfortunately not enter into an agreement with you or provide you with our products or services.


6.1 We do not use automated processes to make decisions that significantly affect you.


7.1 We only store your personal information for as long as it is needed for the purposes for which we collected the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. When we no longer need to save your data, we delete it from our systems, databases and backups. In the tables above under section 4, you can see how long we store personal data about you for different purposes.

7.2 We may also need to save your personal data for other reasons, e.g. to comply with legal requirements or to safeguard our legal interests or any other important public interest.


8.1 BonCulina may disclose your personal information to third parties, such as to logistics companies and to IT suppliers with whom we work to provide our services, including Best Transport AB who helps us deliver your order, and payment intermediaries (Klarna) who assists us in handling your payment.

8.2 In some cases, we may also need to disclose information at the request of authorities or to other parties within the framework of court or company acquisition processes or the like.

8.3 We will never sell your personal information to anyone.


9.1 BonCulina strives to always only process your personal data within the EU / EEA. In some cases, we may transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU / EEA. If personal data is transferred to any such country, we will ensure that the personal data remains protected and that the transfer takes place in a legal manner.

9.2 When transferring to a country outside the EU / EEA that does not ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data, we use the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU / EEA. You can find these here: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/international-transfers/transfer / index_en.htm

9.3 For transfers to recipients in the United States that are covered by the Privacy Shield, we use this basis for the transfer of your personal data. You can find these here: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2016.207.01.0001.01.ENG


10.1 Our responsibility for your rights

10.1.1 BonCulina, as the person responsible for personal data, is responsible for ensuring that your personal data is used in accordance with law and that your rights have an impact. You can contact us at any time if you want to exercise your rights. You will find our contact information at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.

10.1.2 BonCulina is obliged to respond to your request to exercise your rights within one month of hearing from you. If your request is complicated or if a large number have been received, we have the right to extend the period by another two months. If we believe that we can not do what you want us to do, we are obliged to notify you within one month of receiving your request why we can not do what you want us to do and inform you that you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority.

10.1.3 All information, communication and all measures we carry out are free of charge for you. If, on the other hand, what you request due to your rights is manifestly unfounded or unreasonable, we have the right to charge an administrative fee to provide you with the information or implement the requested action, or refuse to comply with your request.

10.2 Your right of access, correction, deletion and restriction

10.2.1 You have the right to request from BonCulina

  1. Access to your personal data. This means that you have the right to request an extract from the register of our use of your personal data. You also have the right to receive a copy of the personal data we use free of charge. For any additional copies, we have the right to charge an administration fee. If you make a request in electronic format, e.g. via e-mail, we will provide you with the information in a commonly used electronic format.
  2. Correction of your personal data. We will, at your request or on your own initiative, correct, deidentify, delete or supplement information that we discover to be incorrect, incomplete or misleading. You also have the right to supplement with additional information if something relevant is missing.
  3. Deletion of your personal data. You have (as of 25 May 2018) the right to request that we delete your personal data if there is no longer an acceptable reason for us to use it. Deletion must therefore take place if:

(i) the personal data are no longer needed for the purpose for which we collected them;

(ii) we use your information with the consent of you and you revoke it;

(iii) you object to our use of your information that takes place after a balance of interests and we do not have important interests that outweigh your interests and rights;

(iv) we have used the personal data in an unauthorized manner;

(v) we have a legal obligation to delete personal data, or

(vi) you are a child and we have collected the personal data in connection with the provision of information society services.

However, there may be legal requirements or other compelling reasons why we may not immediately delete your personal information. We will then stop using your personal data for purposes other than complying with the law or which are not necessary for any other compelling reason.

    4. Restriction of use. This means that we temporarily restrict the use of your information. You have (from 25 May 2018) the right to request a restriction when:

(i) you believe that your data is incorrect and you have requested correction in accordance with clause 10.2.1 b), while we are investigating the accuracy of the data, (ii) the use is illegal and you do not want the data deleted;

(iii) we as data controllers no longer need the personal data for our purposes of use but you need them in order to establish, assert or defend a legal claim, or

(iv) you have objected to use in accordance with clause 10.3.1, pending verification that our vital interests outweigh yours.

10.2.2 We at BonCulina will take all reasonable steps we can to notify anyone who has received personal information in accordance with section 7 above if we have corrected, deleted or restricted access to your personal information after you requested that we do so. At your request, we will inform you of whom we have disclosed personal information to.

10.3 Your right to object to use

10.3.1 You have the right to object to such use of your personal data as we do on the basis of a balance of interests or of general interest (see section 3 above). If you object to such use, we will only continue to use it if we have important reasons for continuing to use it that outweigh your interests.

10.3.2 If you do not want BonCulina to use your personal data for direct marketing, you always have the right to object to such use by contacting us. Once we have received your objection, we will cease to use the personal data for this marketing purpose.

10.4 Your right to withdraw consent

For the use where we use your consent as a legal basis (see section 3 above), you can revoke your consent at any time by contacting us. You will find our contact information at the bottom of this Privacy Policy. If you revoke your consent, you may not be able to use our services as intended.

10.5 Your right to data portability

You have the right to data portability. This means a right to obtain part of your personal data in a structured, generally used and machine-readable format and to transfer this data to another personal data controller. You are only entitled to data portability when the use of your personal data is automated and we base our use on your consent or on an agreement between you and us. This means that you have the right to obtain and transfer all personal data you have entered to create your user account with us.

10.6 Your right to complain to the supervisory authority

You have the right to submit any complaints about our use of your personal data to the Data Inspectorate.


You should always be able to feel safe when you submit your personal information to us. BonCulina has therefore taken appropriate security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, alteration and deletion. If there are security incidents that may affect you or your personal data in a more significant way, e.g. when there is a risk of fraud or identity theft, we will contact you and tell you what you can do to reduce the risk.


We at BonCulina use cookies on our website and in our services to improve your experience with us. We use cookies, among other things, to simplify and adapt our web and app services. Cookies are text files that are stored in a computer system via a web browser.

Many websites and servers use cookies. Many cookies contain a so-called cookie ID. A cookie ID is a unique identifier of the cookie. It consists of a character string through which internet pages and servers can be assigned to the specific browser where the cookie was stored. This allows visited websites and servers to separate the individual browser for data from other browsers that contain other cookies. A specific browser can be identified and identified using the unique cookie ID.

By using cookies, BonCulina can provide the users of this website with more user-friendly services that would not be possible without the cookie setting.

With the help of a cookie, the information and offers on our website can be optimized with the user in mind. Cookies allow us, as previously mentioned, to recognize our website users. The purpose of this recognition is to make it easier for users to use our website. The website user who uses cookies, e.g. does not have to enter access data every time the website is opened because it is taken over by the website, and the cookie is thus stored in the user’s computer system. Another example is the cookie for a shopping cart in an online store. The online store remembers the items that a customer has placed in the virtual shopping cart via a cookie.

The registered person can at any time prevent the setting of cookies via our website through a corresponding setting of the browser used and can thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. In addition, already set cookies can be deleted at any time via a browser or other programs. This is possible in all popular browsers. If the registrant disables the setting of cookies used in the browser, not all functions on our website may be completely useful.


BonCulina reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. When we make changes that are not only linguistic or editorial, you will receive clear information about the changes and what they mean for you before they take effect. If we need your consent to be able to fulfill our obligations to you and you do not accept the changed terms, you have the right to terminate the agreement with us before the terms take effect.


If you have any questions about our privacy policy or our use of your personal information, you can contact us as follows:

Email: info@bonculina.co.uk

Postal address:
11 The Bell Centre, Newton Road, Crawley, RH10 9FZ
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 1293 426 686